Staff Augmentation / Reverse Project Management (SARPM)
Typically a project requires additional personnel. This is attributed to an initiative that either creates a strain on operational resources or an objective requiring a skill-set not available in-house. The cost associated for outside PM talent can be extremely costly and typically impacts the total cost of the program deployment. These costs are difficult to capture during the onset of the project. While a Rough Order of Magnitude Cost (ROMC) is helpful, this is typically provided by the Project Management Firm that is not cognizant of all the operational/process elements needed to deliver the initiative. Hence, it is called a ROMC. At the conclusion of a project, your internal staff will require training prior to the departure of the contracted firm. This cost and time is typically not captured during the budget process.
American Info Systems has developed a value added solution that contradicts the current Project Management Methodology. A lack of knowledge of a particular skill-set within Information Technology has nothing to do with the ability for internal resources to manage a project. Rather it is typically the lack of knowledge of a particular technology centric deployment and maintenance.
The AIS solution is to back fill your current operational staff allowing them the time for the project initiative. AIS can also provide the technology specific personnel needed to assist during the project; should you do not have these capabilities in-house. At the conclusion of the project, your in-house staff will not require additional training, become a valuable team member, and reduce your total cost of ownership.